After being in an accident that caused a serious injury, you may be unable to perform certain tasks for extended periods of time. If you are physically or mentally handicapped from an injury there are long-term care options that you can look into to find a plan that suits your needs. For more information read on and contact a Pikeville, KY personal injury lawyer for legal representation and advice.

What is Considered Long-Term Care?

Long-term care after an injury is different than simply getting a cast for a broken arm. Depending on what type of injury you sustained you may require extensive care for weeks, months, or even years. Some people never fully recover and need long-term care for the rest of their lives.

Long-term care encompasses a variety of services that one can use to help them meet their medical and daily needs. Various types of care can be chosen from depending on what injury you have, how severe it is, and what you are still capable of doing on your own. Caregivers can offer help with:

  • Eating
  • Drinking
  • Bathing
  • Getting dressed and changing clothes
  • Transportation
  • Administering medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Running errands
  • Miscellaneous daily tasks

When Would I Need Long-Term Care?

Long-term care can be required by anyone, especially after an accident. Certain injuries are more severe than others and can limit a person’s ability to physically or mentally care for themselves.

You may need long-term care after a car accident, slip and fall, fire, or any extensive incident that causes injury. Injuries that likely will require some form of long-term care can include spinal cord injuries, broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, blunt force trauma, internal damage, burns, and more.

What Are My Options?

There are multiple options for long-term care. What you choose will depend on your specific needs and the ability of your community to support you. Any of the following options can be implemented to offer you care combined with help from your friends and family.

  • Home care: A registered nurse, licensed nurse, or health care aide can come to your house as often or as little as you need. They can offer help administering medications, performing physical therapy, helping you eat or drink, and more. This is a popular option for some as they are able to remain in the comfort of their own home while receiving care.
  • Nursing home: Nursing homes are a great option for people who require 24/7 care. When you live in a nursing home you can have assistance whenever you need it and have caretakers help with therapies and medications.
  • Rehabilitation center: Long-term stay in rehabilitation centers can be beneficial for those who need to work on their physical abilities and fine motor skills to get back to full capacity.
  • Assisted living facilities: Assisted living is a popular choice as it allows patients to maintain a sense of independence. Depending on their injuries they can rent a room or studio and live on their own but have care when they need it.