Many pedestrian accidents can cause serious injuries. Pedestrians do not have much protecting them in the event of a crash, so they can even end up with life-changing issues like spinal cord damage or traumatic brain injury. That is why it is important to carefully investigate an action to see who is responsible. A Pike County, KY pedestrian accident lawyer can help you fight for compensation and hold any negligent parties liable.

Who Can Be at Fault in Pedestrian Accidents?

Most people blame the driver when a pedestrian gets hit, and drivers do often bear most of the blame for such accidents. However, they may not be the only party that should be blamed. Some examples of potentially liable parties include:

  • A construction company that left some kind of hazard on the road
  • The manufacturer of a car part that fails during the accident
  • The rideshare company, if the driver involved was working at the time of the crash
  • A city or municipality if a failure to maintain the road or pedestrian walkway helped cause a dangerous situation

Having another party that is also liable for your injuries can complicate your case. You can also be blamed for the accident yourself. This is part of the reason why it’s a good idea to hire a lawyer. They can defend you from accusations of negligence or wrongdoing.

Can Being at Fault Affect My Settlement?

When you sue for damages, the defendant may try to accuse you of contributing to the accident yourself. It could be argued that a pedestrian who jaywalks, does not pay attention to their surroundings, or ignores traffic signals helped cause the accident.

A pedestrian can then be assigned a percentage of the blame. Let’s say that the driver gets 80% of the blame for speeding, but you get 20% of the blame because there is footage of you not looking before you step out into the road. You get awarded $50,000 in damages, but that gets reduced to match your level of culpability. So you get 80% of that settlement, or $40,000, instead of the full amount.

Should I Take the First Offer From the Insurance Company?

When you get injured in a pedestrian accident, you may be tempted to just take the first offer you get from the insurance company. A lawsuit can take a while and you need money for medical bills and other expenses right now.

You may regret this move later though. This first settlement offer is rarely enough to adequately reimburse a victim for their expenses. You should take some time to get a better understanding of your injuries and what they will mean for you.

Talk to a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer From Our Firm

If you want to learn more about your options, contact a pedestrian accident lawyer from Shane Hall Attorney at Law, PLLC. We can schedule a consultation and take a closer look at your case. You do not have to fight for compensation on your own because we are ready to advocate for you.