Distracted driving can cause a lot of pain and damage. If you got hurt in an accident and you believe that the other driver was not paying attention to the road, you can sue for damages. You have to actually prove your charge of distracted driving though. A Pike County, KY car accident lawyer can tell you more about what evidence can be used and how you can build your case against a negligent driver.
What Are Some Examples of Distracted Driving?
Distracted driving is dangerous because taking your attention off the road for even a second can be hazardous. This gets more and more dangerous as the speed of travel increases.
Obviously, cell phones can be a big source of distraction, but they’re not the only problem. A car full of passengers or kids can be distracting. Someone eating or drinking while driving can get distracted too. And anyone playing with car features, like the infotainment system or radio, could also cause an accident.
What Evidence of Distracted Driving Can Be Used in My Claim?
There are a few things that can be used to strengthen your claim that distracted driving was a significant contributing factor to your car accident. You could use:
- Phone records that show calls or texts going out at the time of the accident
- Food containers found in the car, indicating that the driver was more focused on eating than driving
- A car full of passengers
- Eyewitness testimony that the other driver was not keeping their eyes on the road
- Loud radio, if you can hear it at the time of the accident
- Surveillance footage that shows a driver not paying attention to the road
- Skid marks on the road that indicate late braking
A lawyer can even connect you with an accident recreation specialist who may be able to assign blame in the crash.
How Long Do I Have to Sue After a Distracted Driving Accident?
If you do decide to sue someone because you believe that their distracted driving led to a crash, then you should act quickly. Kentucky gives accident victims just one year to sue for personal injury. If you try to file a case after this deadline, it’s likely to be thrown out.
This is why it may be a good idea to hire an attorney. You can focus on your recovery and getting back to your regular routine. Meanwhile, an attorney from our firm will handle the paperwork and get your case filed.
Should I Hire an Attorney?
That’s not the only benefit of hiring a lawyer though. Your attorney can:
- Gather evidence that can make your case stronger
- Negotiate with insurers on your behalf
- Prepare you for testimony
- Defend you from accusations of fault or wrongdoing
- Calculate fair compensation
- Use expert witnesses to make your claim stronger
Talk to Our Legal Team
When you are ready to pursue a personal injury case against a distracted driver, contact Shane Hall Attorney at Law, PLLC. We can schedule a consultation and go over your legal options.