If you were involved in an accident you may be able to pursue compensation from the property owner depending on the situation. There are several common mistakes that you should avoid when seeking compensation after a slip and fall accident. Contact a Pike County, KY premises liability lawyer for legal representation during your injury case.
What Should I Avoid Doing After a Slip and Fall?
To ensure you are fairly compensated for your accident avoid the following mistakes.
Admitting fault
A common mistake people make after being injured in a slip and fall accident is admitting fault. Anything you say can be used against you during the legal process of pursuing compensation. If you say “I should have been more careful” or “That’s my bad” it can hinder your pursuit of damages.
Leaving the scene of the accident too soon
Although you may want to leave as soon as possible, rushing can create problems later on. You should take the time to document everything you can, speak to witnesses, and ensure the accident or police report is properly filed.
Neglecting to seek medical care
You should prioritize your health for your own well-being and also for your case. If you neglect to seek or follow medical treatment promptly an insurance company can claim that your injuries are not that serious or that they occurred from an incident unrelated to the slip and fall. Get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible to ensure your health and to create a paper trail for evidence of your diagnoses and treatment.
Waiting to take legal action
The longer you wait to file a claim or lawsuit the more risk there is of witnesses forgetting details of the situation or evidence being lost. You should start the legal process as soon as possible to avoid any issues.
Failing to keep records
The best way to receive a fair settlement is to keep detailed records of photos, videos, evidence, medical treatments, expenses, the ways in which the accident has impacted you, and more.
Posting on social media
It is never a good idea to discuss your ongoing legal issues on the internet. Anything you post on social media regarding your accident or injuries can be used against you later on.
Failing to hire an attorney
Statistics show that personal injury cases where the plaintiff is represented by a legal professional yield more successful outcomes and higher amounts of compensation than those who forgo representation. Filing without a lawyer can have a negative impact on your case.
Accepting a settlement offer too soon
Although it can be tempting to accept the first offer you are given, this often leads to less compensation. Insurance companies generally try to pay out the least amount of money possible so review any offer with your attorney to determine whether or not it is an adequate settlement.
Contact our Experienced Kentucky Based Firm
If you are injured in a slip and fall accident it is important that you acquire help from a skilled attorney to represent you throughout the process of filing a claim. Our legal team is dedicated to providing you with the support and experienced counsel you need. Schedule your free consultation today to begin discussing the details of your case and working to pursue compensation.